Aquatic Labs Alkalinity Sensor
The first commercial sensor capable of continuous, in-situ Total Alkalinity & pH measurements
Solid State: No Reagents
Climate Scale Precision
Designed to scale for large scale monitoring
Game changing measurements for marine carbon removal, oceanographic research, industrial water monitoring, and more.
Direct Total Alkalinity measurements on minute by minute resolution through in-situ titration technology.
Laboratory grade titrations on solid state devices enable the Aquatic Labs sensor to measure alkalinity with high accuracy, in-situ, and with no consumable reagents.
Our technology allows users to observe alkalinity in real-time with an easy to deploy probe across a broad range of settings.
High Precision Measurements
Consistent and repeatable measurements demonstrated across thousands of titrations
Rigorously verified through oceanographic best practices and expert marine scientists.
Approaching climate level measurements (<2µmol/kg)
Continuously improving performance through collaborations with leading scientific and technical partners
Interested? Contact Us
Aquatic Labs has limited availability for 2025 deployments of our exciting new sensing technology. If direct alkalinity sensing would be useful for your project or operations please reach out. Potential applications include:
monitoring for marine carbon removal
oceanographic research
enhanced rock weathering sites
industrial water quality monitoring